My teacher Dr Francisco Coll whom I love dearly has left his physical body and the earth plane but is ever closer to me now for he is in spirit and spirit has no boundaries and love does surpass the physical and encompasses and embraces the spiritual. Since I can’t travel at this time around the globe to reach all of you, I am travelling via the communications network of the Internet.
“No man is free who is not master of himself.” [Epictetus] My teacher believed in: “If you give a hungry person a fish, he/she will be hungry tomorrow. If you teach this person to fish for he/she will be free for the rest of his/her life to take care of him/her self and use the resources within.
You, a spiritual being, choose a physical body. It is your anchor here on earth. It is the vehicle for you to get around. The body you have is the perfect body you need for this journey, this time around, and the lesson here is to understand that, and accept your body, just the way it is.
You are not just your body. Your spirit is the intelligent part of you that is connected to you by the silver thread from your spirit to your body through the crown chakra and keeps the energy of your body together.
Your body is composed of the elements of planet earth. When you finished what you have come to do this lifetime you decide to pass on. You sever that silver thread and your body goes back to earth where it came from and your soul or spirit goes back to the cosmos, God, the universe whatever you call it. There is no separation. The only separation you have is the one you created.
Know that you are not alone and you have all your answers within you. Learn to trust yourself your inner feelings, inner knowing, impressions and hunches this is the inner communication of spirit and your higher self and become free. In so doing realize the reason you are not alone is that you have spiritual guides. Let me take this time to share with you the facts what, when, where, why of how it all began.
When you were in spirit and before you decided to come to planet earth you made an agreement with a grouping of souls (spirit guides) to come and aid you on your spiritual venture here on earth. They came to help you with the business of your life and the lessons, goals, attributes and life purpose that you are here to accomplish. You see your guides are not angels.
Angels have never taken physical form but your guides have had many incarnations here on earth. They have mastered planet earth this is why they are equipped to help you on your journey here. They have mastered the emotional planet earth and now are ready to grow spiritually by helping you accomplish what you have come to do as well.
Know that they are objective and you are subjective to whatever is happening in your life. You have emotions – they do not. Know this, you do not have a soul, you are a soul with a body, not a body with a soul. You are not here to become spiritual, you already are. You are a spiritual being on a human journey.
How do these guides work for you? They work through your intuitive nature – your psychic ability. Everyone is psychic, some to a larger degree than others. You can learn to unfold your intuition. There are many courses and teachers out there, to teach you how. If you can’t find a teacher you feel good with; know this: “When you are ready, your teacher will appear.” As it happened to me in 1975. I was asking for help for many years and I made a decision that changed my life. I made a decision to leave a great job, which had a lot of potential and many benefits for me. It was so difficult to make that decision.
I had people in my life trying to talk me out of it. Finally one year later, I did it. That choice led me to do what I am doing today, which is my soul purpose. I am in my niche and I love it. There we many challenges along the way, it did not happen by luck but by following my intuitive guidance all the way and trusting it and myself to be at the right place at the right time, that was the most difficult challenge of all.
The other challenge was learning to apply what my teacher taught me. I don’t know why it is but all of us think if we have the knowledge and understanding, we can change and gain the expansion we need to change our life. It’s not that simple. That is only half of the way; and that to me, is high school. The other half is applying what you know in your daily life; that is a university. Getting back to your guides, they talk to you in many ways. One way is that they make suggestions to you.
They do not tell you what to do, because they cannot interfere with your free will and choice. You must ask for their help and for what you want, otherwise, they can’t help you. When they come near you, they give your body an extra charge of energy which is depicted in what is referred to in the bible as a quickening of the flesh. Your guides operate in your energy system called the chakra system. They are not separate from you. They are part of your energy system called your aura.
To all my apprentices out there, where ever you are. In the memory of my beloved spiritual teacher Dr. Francisco Coll.