So how does this apply to you? I think it speaks for itself. We spend so much time and energy thinking of how others see us, what others think about us, what others are saying about us.

Ask yourself, am I trying to be something different for everyone? Because of this, we create facades. We do it to the outside world to be accepted, to belong, to fit in, to be liked, not to create confrontation etc, etc. So we draw to us people who will not accept us as we are and when we try to be ourselves self then we feel rejected, judged, hurt and so on.
This happens to show us that this person likes you not for yourself but for the façade you have created. If you want people to like you for who you are then yourself and accept yourself and you will attract the people who will accept you for who you are with your good and not so good traits.
These people will help you make the changes that are necessary that do not work for you so then the real you can emerge and have deeper and better relationships