INNER PERSONAL GROWTH COURSE Understanding behavioral patterns and attitudes that are blocking your chakras. Discover where energy blocks and emotional blockages are located in your etheric and emotional body. Learn how to and with what to replace the behavioural patterns and attitudes that limit you. Healing your past to heal you in the now. Meditation in healing your past. Understanding the chakras. Through behavioral patterns and attitudes, the meridians and chakras become blocked causing areas of depleted energy and or excess energy. Imbalances that begin in the systems of the body and illness develops as a consequence. Identify patterns of thoughts and behavior that are creating emotional energy blockages which are toxic to your energy bodies and your physical body. Come and discover the spiritual causes of illness. Learn to align and balance the natural energy flow of your energy bodies so the physical body can function with health and vitality.
One day course $247
Results: The ability to make changes easily. Making better choices. Freedom from limitations. Just being.
Awaken your intuitive nature. Learn to tap your intuition to create the reality you have always wanted.
- Become aware of what gets in the way of following your intuition.
- Gain knowledge of how your intuition works and experience i
t in practice. - Learn to trust your intuition and follow it.
- You never have to doubt yourself again.
- You’ll get the chance to practice your new-found skills in the workshop
3 hours $167
(Inner Personal Growth Course) Causes of illness and dis-ease. Correct and sense energy imbalances. How to recover from an illness. Understand your spiritual and physical anatomy. Discover the spiritual causes of your illnesses. How to sense and correct an energy imbalance in your body before it expresses itself as a physical illness and how to recover from an illness you may already have. Understand your spiritual anatomy and how it affects your physical anatomy.
You will explore your biography to understand your biology. Clara will provide an intuitive energetic evaluation of your energy field and give you counsel while attending.
7-week course. $497
Results: Love and patience with yourself. Solutions to your situations. Understanding and clarity. Clear direction and a healthier lifestyle.
Interested in organizing a course for a group of 5
of more? Your course will be free as a thank you for organizing the class. Please contact me for more details and how to make this happen. Thank you,Clara Rose